Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Other Pursuits Have Kept Me Busy

I know, no new posts in a while and the rumored Marcellus blog has yet to materialize.  It all has to do with how my days go right now.  Up in the morning, take care of the dog.  Little Joe now rarely goes back to sleep when Mama leaves and since he's now very active and curious he wants out and I have to put in either a safe crawling area or his exersaucer.  Then breakfast. Bottles were simple, now I have to plop him in the high chair and get him some finger foods, juice, and usually mash some banana.  Then I get some on-line time and maybe some time to contact contractors etc. Then off to the park, lunch, naps etc. Finally in the evening I can do some work myslef on the house. Big developments this week, finally got all the joists resting properly on support beams, just have one area left to expose that has some movement. This time next year it should be pretty cool. Then there is the outside part of the property.

So that's what I've been up to. Maybe at some point I will try to get something going with my so-called advanced degrees.

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